Frequently Asked Questions
Are Green Fuel Tabs safe for my car?
Absolutely! It is completely safe for all engines – both gas and diesel. Green Fuel Tabs utilize all natural organic ingredients – no detergents are used. Green Fuel Tabs has a patented “Quick Dissolve” formulation that prevents any particles from getting into the vehicle’s fuel system.
My vehicle is diesel, can I use Green Fuel Tabs?
Yes, Green Fuel Tabs are designed to be used with all fossil fuels including gasoline and diesel engines.
Do Green Fuel Tabs really work?
This product has been in use for a quarter of a century by thousands of people and companies – in cars, trucks, boats and buses – both gas and diesel. We have numerous case studies to back up performance. Your savings are not just limited to the gas pump. Since Green Fuel Tabs clean your engine of built up carbon deposits, this results in less micro abrasions and less friction, resulting in a more efficient burning of the fuel and less engine maintenance costs.
How can I best track my mileage?
1. Establish a baseline MPG for your vehicle
A. Use a minimum of 3 fill ups to establish your baseline MPG
B. Use the mileage log available in the PBGF Back office.
C. DO NOT use your vehicles on-board computer for mileage tracking for this test
2. Begin the tracking by treating your fuel with Green Fuel Tabs – 1 tablet per fill-up
3. Use a minimum of 5 tablets (we recommend using 10 tablets) – one per fill up. Continue tracking
your mileage with the Mileage Log.
4. Calculate your mileage savings with GFT using the Mileage Log .
5. You will see an improvement after your first 5 to 10 fill ups while using Green Fuel Tabs, and over time it will continue to improve, in most cases up into the 10% to 25% range.
How can I tell if my emissions are being reduced?
There is really only one way to tell if your emissions are being reduced – by getting a emissions test at a certified auto mechanic that offers testing. Here is our recommend procedure:
1. Establish a baseline emissions test for your vehicle before using any Green Fuel Tabs. If you have had your vehicle smog tested within the last 3 to 4 months, you can use that existing test as your baseline. If the test is older than that, you should get your vehicle re-tested.
A. Testing should include, but not be limited to, the following test parameters: Hydrocarbons and CO.
2. Begin by treating your fuel with Green Fuel Tabs – 1 tablet per fill-up
3. Use a minimum of 5 tablets (we recommend using 10 tablets) – one per fill up.
4. Re-test your emissions after step 3 with the same tests that are used in step 1A.
Will Green Fuel Tabs save me money?
Absolutely! We even offer a money back guarantee for Green Fuel Tabs. If customers don’t save – per tankful – an equivalent or more than the cost of an individual tab, we’ll give the customer’s money back. The typical user sees a 10% to 25% increase in fuel efficiency, Which translates to less fill-ups and More miles between them! Savings vary depending on your driving conditions, your driving style, and the maintenance of your car. So, for the fraction of the cost you would be spending on fuel, you can lower your monthly and annual fuel cost with our GFT while also helping to restore your engine quality and decreasing harmful emissions by up to 86%!!!
Do Green Fuel Tabs reduce harmful emissions?
Absolutely! Testing has shown that Green Fuel Tabs can reduce harmful toxic emissions by up to 86%. Green Fuel Tabs help your fuel to burn more efficiently and completely. Because more of your fuel is burning, you get better gas mileage and less of it gets wasted as harmful emissions.
Has there been any independent third-party testing of Green Fuel Tabs?
Are there any “mothball or mothball components” in Green Fuel Tabs?
If I have used several Green Fuel Tabs and have not seen any improvement in my MPG, what should I do?
1. Since you already have used several tablets in your tank, drive your vehicle for a minimum of 15 minutes to circulate the Green Fuel Tabs treated fuel. This will allow the vehicle’s on-board computer chip to get used to the new fuel mixture.
2. Unplug both battery terminals for 30 minutes – then re-attach the cables. This will re-set your vehicles on-board computer so that the air/fuel mixture is now adjusted for Green Fuel Tabs.
3. Continue to use one Green Fuel Tab on each fill-up, and you will begin to see a mileage improvement in your next couple of fill-ups.
4. If you have any questions regarding the proper dosing of your vehicle to ensure you are getting the MOST that Green Fuel Tabs has to offer, then please contact the person you purchased your GFT from or you can reach us at contact page so that we can assist you.
Can Green Fuel Tabs restore lost horse power?
Yes! By eliminating carbon buildup inside the combustion chamber, Green Fuel Tabs (GFT) restore your engine’s ability to breathe freely—allowing for better oxygen intake and more complete combustion. This means lost horsepower is reclaimed, delivering smoother, more powerful performance.
A cleaner combustion process also lowers operating temperatures, reduces friction, and optimizes fuel efficiency—all of which contribute to enhanced engine power. While the exact horsepower gain depends on the engine and the extent of deposit removal, the bottom line is clear: GFT helps your engine run stronger, cleaner, and more efficiently.
Can I use 87 Octane Gasoline in a in Vehicle that only takes 92 if it is properly dosed with GFT? If so, why?
- Yes you can use 87 Octane when using GFT at a properly dosed level in your fuel if you want to.
- Why? To save money on the extra price of premium rated fuel.
And because Octane is a measure of the fuel stability when the fuel is in its hydrocarbon form, and it is then sorted by the differing degrees of stability into the levels we see and call Octane. It is all fuel though, and essentially the same fuel. So a higher Octane in theory lets the fuel ignite slightly better.
Are Green Fuel Tabs & Liquid an Octane Booster
No, GFT is not an Octane booster. And when using GFT, an octane booster is not necessary, as GFT provides for the fuel to ignite and burn more efficiently and more completely.
Is GFT an anti Antiknock agent? If so, how does it achieve this?
Yes, GFT is an antiknock agent. On our status for the International Harmonic Code, GFT is listed as an Anti-knock product. An engine knock can be caused by a number of problems within the engine, some of the most common being an inadequate air-fuel mixture, poor fuel, and inefficient ignition of burn of the fuel. GFT allows all of the fuel to burn more efficiently, resulting in higher performance and increased MPG, as well as having less waste and emissions since the fuel is burning more completely, and also no engine knock with any fuel grade since it burns so much more completely.
How long have Green Fuel Tabs Been around?
Green Fuel Tabs have been used by industry and individuals for more than 26 years.
Are Green Fuel Tabs Made in China?
No, Green Fuel Tabs are made in the USA in the state of California. The production of Green fuel tabs are never made by third parties and your Green Fuel Tabs will be shipped to you directly from the manufacturer.
Is Green Fuel Tabs Safe for my car or truck engine?
Yes, Green Fuel Tabs have been in use for over 25 Years. Powered By Green Fuel has also has a $1 Million Insurance Policy for any vehicle, Boat, or Heavy Equipment that uses Green Fuel Tabs. This policy has been in place for over 20 years with ZERO Claims paid out.
Can I use Green Fuel Tabs with my boat?
Yes, Green Fuel Tabs work with both inboard and outboard engines, as long as your engine runs on fossil fuels such as unleaded gasoline and diesel fuel.
I have fleet of vehicles that I use for my business. Can I use this for my entire fleet?
Can I use it for my fleet? Using Green Fuel Tabs or Green Fuel Liquid is an EXCELLENT way to reduce your operating costs and can drastically reduce the annual gallons of gasoline and diesel that are needed to keep your fleet up and running. Additionally, the reduction in emissions from your fleet is not only better for the environment, but it can actually also help to reduce your maintenance costs and require less expense in DEF. DEF is a considerable expense in running Diesel engines. In reducing waste emissions by consuming them in the combustion process with GFT up to 86% less particulates are collecting in the Particulate Filter lessening the frequency of regenerative burns and reducing the volume of DEF being used
Can Green Fuel Tabs be used in a Plane, Jet, or Helicopter?
No, Green Fuel Tabs are not made to be used in Planes, Jets, Helicopters, Drones, or any other aircraft. Powered by Green Fuel does not recommend, promote, or endorse this product for such usage. Powered By Green Fuel accepts no liability for any damage, and expressly disclaims any and all liability for damage caused by the use of Green Fuel Tabs in any type of aircraft.
Are Green Fuel Tabs made in the USA?
Yes, Green Fuel Tabs are made in California, USA.
Can I use Green Fuel Tabs in an Electric Vehicle?
Green Fuel Tabs are not designed to be used with a fully electrical vehicle; however, it may be used with Hybrid vehicles that utilize a gasoline or diesel engine as well as battery power.